Apeldoorn, groot nationaal muziekconcours

Altri titoli: Apeldoorn, big national music contest
Anno: 1912
Descrizione: Reportage about the four-day music competition in Apeldoorn On the occasion of its 60th anniversary, the Apeldoorn musical association 'Harmonie' organized a four-day national music competition. The four-day event was staged on a grand scale: in addition to the competition, the audience was also able to visit a summer fair and an historical village. The reportage shows various locations and celebrations: the participants' parade to the city hall, the performance of the festival march in the village square, the visit of Queen Wilhelmina, the fairground with the carnival, the historic village, and the concert. We also see organizing committee posing with Apeldoorn's Mayor W. Roosmale Nepveu in front of city hall.
Parole chiave: Nederland / Apeldoorn
Fonte esterna: EYE Filmmuseum (The Netherlands)
Diritti: In Copyright - EU Orphan Work
Casa di produzione: Unknown
Director: Unknown
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